Deb Ward, GWS, OWS, PWS, WSI - WATERCOLOR/WATER MEDIA - My passion is teaching adult “beginners”. Weekly classes in my home; workshops; classes for Cincinnati Recreation Commission. My work is nationally recognized and published - see “Featured” on my sidebar. I’m a Signature Member of Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana state Watercolor Societies, Cincinnati Art Club, past-President of Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society. Contact info below under “Class Information”

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Comments Appreciated

Well . . . .

It seems I have forgotten to read my comments - so have just published some old ones.

I will blame this on any one, or all, of the following:
1.  I'm Old and getting Forgetful.
2.  I'm a new grandmother.
3.  I've been crocheting like a fiend.
4.  I've been preparing for classes.
5.  Just got a laptop - finally! - and trying to figure it out.
6.  It's winter and I'm hibernating
7.  I'm Old and getting Forgetful.

Note to Constance - - - go to AllFreeCrochet.  There you will find that a whole world of crochet awaits you!  Sorry it took me so long to reply (see above excuses).  Good luck.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Almost finished.  I will reassess shadows and decide where I need more darks.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Beginning the apples, and some of the reflected colors on the strainer.  Obviously some work done on the lace.