I inherited this class from Marilyn, who had moved from the west side to the east side and did not want to make the long drive over. When she asked me to take over the class I was both flattered and scared! The spring session was the first that I taught and I felt like a substitute teacher going in – would they like me? Would they want to come back? Would I like them? Gulp!
At first I thought I would try to do everything the same way Marilyn had done things, but then I realized that it wasn’t exactly my way of doing things, and it would be better to just be myself.
So, they have put up with me! From the laughter that ensues, I know they are having fun – and I think that is the biggest part of my job. (If my students are not having fun, why are they here!). From the quiet that ensues, I know they are working hard. And from the good results they are getting, I know they are learning something.
This photo represents the 3 paintings we completed in this session – eat your heart out Jerry, Jerry and Ron – you missed the landscape!
If you live in the Cincinnati area and want to join us in the fall, let me know! See you on September 16!