For those of you “young-uns” now scratching your heads about that term, let me explain. A “woody” was a station wagon with wood (REAL wood!) on the sides. (You may be familiar with some of the new PT Cruisers that have the fake wood trim on their sides, which is a nod to the old “woodies”).
If you happened to be traveling and saw one of these cars, it was mandatory that you punch your traveling companion in the arm and scream “Woody” at the same time. Have no idea who thought up that one, but it must have been a boy!
Anyway, I saw this one on another trip to North Carolina and just had to take a photo.
And this painting will conclude my car series of paintings - hope you enjoyed them!
deb you blog is starting to look like my hubby garage.. but much nicer!!! love these ol cars.. sur ehave been drug to enough of them.. might do a few of these for hubby for christmas.. he might enjoy them...
sorry havent been around to say hi.. and with the holidays will slow down even more... but wanted to stop by and say hey!
p.s. Also meant to say that I've really enjoyed your car series. Great fun!!
What!! No slugbugs??? I remember woodies, but never knew the punching game applied to them. But VW Bugs!! Major sore arm territory!! Thank goodness they weren't too common in our part of the world then.
Good job on the car. I will miss seeing your old car paintings but I am looking forward to seeing what you will be painting next.
Thanks guys -
Cindi, good to hear from you!
Thanks Chris, glad you enjoyed them.
Vicki - I'm slowly getting back to my painting and will be posting new work ASAP.
Great painting, Deb..didn't know about the 'woodies', but enjoyed your art as well!
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