Deb Ward, GWS, OWS, PWS, WSI - WATERCOLOR/WATER MEDIA - My passion is teaching adult “beginners”. Weekly classes in my home; workshops; classes for Cincinnati Recreation Commission. My work is nationally recognized and published - see “Featured” on my sidebar. I’m a Signature Member of Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana state Watercolor Societies, Cincinnati Art Club, past-President of Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society. Contact info below under “Class Information”

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


My friend's daughter and new baby came to visit her.  So  how could I not go to see the new baby! And of course, another gift would be in order!

As I've mentioned before, I am all about the crochet right now.  So I looked through patterns that come to me via email, and I found one for little sandals.

These were just too cute not to make!!  I did make a couple of slight modifications.  I made the tie straps longer for ease of tying a little bow.  Then, the pattern called for wrapping the toe area several times, but I just used a piece of yarn, wrapped it a couple times and tied a bow.

I've got so many skeins of yarn now, in various stages of use, so I want to use up as much as I can. Since the pattern called for a double sole - yikes, the child will not be walking for months, but these soles are rugged!!! - I used yellow on the bottom and pink on top.  That way I could easily use the multi-colored yarn for the rest of the shoe and it would all coordinate.  May as well teach her about coordinating outfits early on!

Here they are - and they almost fit her little tiny feet!  In another month or so they should be right on - just in time for the summer fashion season!

The pattern for these sandals can be found at


Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Deb these are truly adorable. Love the mix of colors. This art I have never been able to learn...perhaps in the next life I will find some of that skill. :)!! Hugs

RH Carpenter said...

Too cute and I'm very impressed with your skills!!

Ginny Stiles said...

This are wonderful. Am tempted to say..."WHAT a stitch!" Couldn't help myself.

debwardart said...

Thanks Debbie and Rhonda. I do have a few talents!
Ginny - that was funny!