Deb Ward, GWS, OWS, PWS, WSI - WATERCOLOR/WATER MEDIA - My passion is teaching adult “beginners”. Weekly classes in my home; workshops; classes for Cincinnati Recreation Commission. My work is nationally recognized and published - see “Featured” on my sidebar. I’m a Signature Member of Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana state Watercolor Societies, Cincinnati Art Club, past-President of Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society. Contact info below under “Class Information”

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm out the door early tomorrow morning for my annual Painting Retreat in Tennessee. (No cell phones, no computers - just painting, eating, laughing for a WHOLE WEEK!!!!)

I've enabled the "Comment Moderation" feature while I'm gone (and maybe forever, due to Karin Juricks' dilemma).

That means you can still leave comments, they just won't be posted for a bit.

And, for those of you who are too shy to comment "for the world to see" this is a great feature (!) - go ahead and leave me a comment and just tell me if you prefer that I not post it. That way we can still communicate but only I will see your comment.

Anway - hope you enjoy your week as much as I will be enjoying mine!

Back around June 16 or so!

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