Well, the ViewPoint 2009 show has finally opened and will be open to the public the next two weekends - November 14-15 and November 21-22 from 2-5 p.m. at the Cincinnati Art Club.
The opening on Friday night was well attended, and several of my friends won awards!
The photo above shows a friend of mine, Carolyn Hibbard, receiving her award! A list of all of the awards can be found on the Cincinnati Art Club website - (just click here or on the link to the right side of my blog - then click on ViewPoint on the left side when you get to the website). That's me on the right with the paisley top - not too bad of a photo for a change! The person handing out the awards is Donnita Geary who was an unbelievable help throughout this process.
In case you are interested, I've also got a few photos of some of the process "behind the scenes" at a national art show!
Here we have my husband helping bring in the shipped works. Finally, a photo of him from behind - payback for all these years of him taking my photo from the back! 
Then we have the crated works which were shipped - the farthest from Petersburg, Alaska, although one may have travelled more miles. That painting was mistakenly shipped to IDAHO before it made it's way to Cincinnati!

Then we have the crated works which were shipped - the farthest from Petersburg, Alaska, although one may have travelled more miles. That painting was mistakenly shipped to IDAHO before it made it's way to Cincinnati!
And I picked up a painting from UPS that turned out to be the 2nd place award winner!
The following photos show all of the works after they had been uncrated and all of the hand delivered paintings dropped off. Thank goodness I didn't have to hang them! That was the work of Sharon Saluga, Dave Klocke and Judy Clubb! And they did a marvelous job!
The opening on Friday night was well attended, and several of my friends won awards!
I'll have a short rest period now, and then have the whole procedure for next year!
This process proved to be alternately nerve wracking, exciting, frustrating and fun - and I got to meet many helpful, kind, interesting and talented people. Hopefully all will go well next year!
OH my gosh Deb. What an incredible amount of work. Kudos to you! And all your helpers! Amazing.
Looks like a lot of work but with rewarding results.
Glad the VIEWPOPINT event went well - looks like lots of very interesting and diverse entries.
Your car painting posts are so good - wonderful rendition of these old cars. Look so metallic and real. Unusual subjects for a lady.
Hello ladies - Just glad the show is hung and looking good! Overall it was a positive experience.
Joan - I sign my work "D. Ward" and once at a show two men were looking at my paintings and saying "he" when referring to the artist, so I went up and told them I was the artist, and they didn't believe me! Hey - men paint flowers, why can't a "lady" paint a car (or a train)!
These are older works, but I do still like them.
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